Queue status information

This event is sent when state of call or member in the queue changes. The event is sent as a snapshot of the queue at the time of the event.

Name Summary Type Format Description
queue Queue information object Contains information about the queue itself.
members Information related to the members in the queue array
callers Queue calls array Calls that are currently in the queue.
Queue information

Contains information about the queue itself.

Name Summary Type Format Description
abandoned Number of abandoned calls string int32 Number of calls that has entered the queue but disconnected early without being handled today.
completed Number of completed calls string int32 Total number of calls that was completed/handled in the queue today.
holdtime Accumulated hold time string int32 The accumulated hold time today for all calls and members.
id Unique queue identifier string int32
member_available Number of queue members that is available to handle calls in this queue string int32
member_total Total member queue regardless their ability to handle calls string int32
name Name of the queue string
service_level Current service level that the queue is set to string int32
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
service_level_time For how long the current service level has been set in seconds. string int32
talktime Accumulated talk time string int32 Accumulated talk time in seconds for all members in the queue today.
total Total calls string int32 Total number of calls within the queue.
wait_avg Average waiting time in seconds string int32
wait_longest Longest wait time string int32 The longest wait time in the queue before being either answered or unhandled today in seconds.
waiting Number of calls that is currently waiting in the queue string int32
Information related to the members in the queue

Name Summary Type Format Description
avg_call_length Average call length string int32 Todays average call length for the member (in this group) in seconds.
call_guid Unique identifier as string. string If the member is busy in a call; contains the identifier of that call.
calls_missed Number of calls missed today. string int32 Number of calls that was not answered today.
calls_taken Number of calls answered string int32 Number of calls answered by the member today.
dur_added TODO string
dur_bridged TODO string
id Unique queue member identifier string int32 The identifier is unique to this member instance within the group.
last_call TODO string
membername Full name string Full name of the member/user.
Max 50 characters
paused If the member is currently paused in the queue string int32 The possible values are 0 (available) and 1 (paused).
paused_reason Pause reason string If there is any reason, other than user initiated, then this property contains the cause for pause.
pbx_queue_id Associated queue identifier for this member string int32 TODO
pbx_user_id Member user identifier string int32 User identifier as integer.
penalty TODO string TODO
priority Member priority string The priority of the member within this queue to receive calls. Higher priority implies higher probability to receive calls from the queue.
remote_name Remote name string Contains the name of the remote party if there is one.
remote_number Remote number string If the member is busy in a call; contains the number of the remote party.
remote_seconds Connect time string int32 If the member is busy in a call; the call duration in seconds.
skills Skills string int32 Member skill in the queue.
state Current state string-enum int32 The current state of the member.
Allowed values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Queue calls

Calls that are currently in the queue.

Name Summary Type Format Description
added Creation time string date-time Date and time when the call was created.
id Unique call identifier string int32
number Caller number string The caller number in national format.
pbx_queue_id Associated queue identifier string int32 The identifier of the queue where the call resides.
position Queue position string int32 The position of the caller within the queue.
Min value: 1
wait_time Wait time string int32 For how long the call has been in the queue in seconds.
    "callers": [
            "added": "2024-09-12T06:29:00+00:00",
            "id": "16907471",
            "number": "0858615676",
            "pbx_queue_id": "21200",
            "position": "1",
            "wait_time": "1"
    "members": [
            "avg_call_length": "207",
            "call_guid": "2a8d9c52b1fb263e437253daa96f91fafcf07e84",
            "calls_missed": "1",
            "calls_taken": "1",
            "dur_added": "1",
            "dur_bridged": null,
            "id": "123456",
            "last_call": "1152",
            "membername": "Firstname Lastname",
            "paused": "0",
            "paused_reason": "",
            "pbx_queue_id": "123456",
            "pbx_user_id": "123456",
            "penalty": "0",
            "priority": "3",
            "remote_name": "External user",
            "remote_number": "0812345678",
            "remote_seconds": "1",
            "skills": "1",
            "state": "5"
    "queue": {
        "abandoned": "0",
        "completed": "3",
        "holdtime": "48",
        "id": "123456",
        "member_available": "6",
        "member_total": "7",
        "name": "Support",
        "service_level": "0.67",
        "service_level_time": "60",
        "talktime": "499",
        "total": "3",
        "wait_avg": "58",
        "wait_longest": "153",
        "waiting": "1"