User Call Data Record event

Call information associated with a single user

Name Summary Type Format Description
call_guid Call identifier as string string Call identifier as string.
Max characters: 40
billsec Billable seconds string int32 Number of seconds the call has lasted that will be used for billing.
disposition Current disposition of the call string-enum The result/outcome of the call.
calldate Date and time when the call was created string date-time
src Source number/ANI string
direction The direction of the call; if the call originated (OUT) or received (IN) string-enum
Allowed values: [IN, OUT]
dst Destination/dialed number string
remote_pbx_contact_id Remote contact identifier string int32
src_pbx_user_id Source/caller user identifier. string int32 If the caller is a user in the PBX then this property will contain the user identifier.
dst_pbx_user_id Destination/callee user identifier. string int32 If the destination is a user in the PBX then this property will contain the user identifier.
pbx_recording_id Recording identifier that is associated with the call string int32 If there are no recording present then a boolean false will be used.
id Unique call identifier as integer string int32
    "id": "1019433380",
    "pbx_recording_id": false,
    "dst_pbx_user_id": null,
    "src_pbx_user_id": "86480",
    "remote_pbx_contact_id": null,
    "direction": "OUT",
    "dst": "90510",
    "calldate": "2024-09-10 09:03:09",
    "src": "3024",
    "billsec": "12",
    "disposition": "ANSWER",
    "call_guid": "92d76de54e02a5c6ef439bd7459f07316c5b0536"