Queue statistics

The most relevant endpoints are located at https://api-nguc.weblink.se/swagger/#/Queue statistics.

Date and Time format specifiers:
  • Datetime: (YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) eg. 2024-12-30 13:00:01
  • Time: (HH:mm) eg. 13:00

weekdays: array of weekday indexes: 0-6
users: array of userId's
queues: array of queueId's
includeInternal = true/false (true also if userId == 0) == this indicates that the call was abandoned without being assigned to any agent. includeExternal = true/false (true also if userId == -1) == external phone numbers

When downloading statistics the document can be requested in one of the following file formats.

  • csv
  • html
  • pdf
  • xlsx
  • excel
  • xls

Query parameters
Name Type Required Description
from string false datetime in format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' (2024-12-27 08:00:00)
to string false datetime in format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' (2024-12-27 16:59:00)
from_time string false time: 'HH:mm:ss' (08:00:00)
to_time string false time: 'HH:mm:ss' (16:59:00)
weekdays integer false zero based weekday index starting with monday.
users integer false an array of userid's to get calls for.
queues integer false an array of queueid's to get calls for.
includeNone false
includeExternal false true indicates that we should include calls that was handled by external phone numbers.
limit integer false limit the number of records returned (used for paginating result).
limit_from integer false record offset to return data from (used for paginating result).
order_by string false (datetime,id)
order_dir string false (ASC,DESC)
Requires permissions
Title Access
Queue Statistics Read
Request example
curl -G -H 'Authorization: Bearer <>' \
-d 'from=2024-01-01%2008%3A00%3A00' \
-d 'to=2024-06-13%2016%3A59%3A00' \
-d 'from_time=08%3A00' \
-d 'to_time=16%3A59' \
-d 'weekdays[]=0' \
-d 'weekdays[]=1' \
-d 'weekdays[]=2' \
-d 'weekdays[]=3' \
-d 'weekdays[]=4' \
-d 'weekdays[]=5' \
-d 'weekdays[]=6' \
-d 'graphDataTypes[]=answered' \
-d 'graphDataTypes[]=abandoned' \
-d 'graphDataTypes[]=unanswered' \
-d 'graphDataTypes[]=average_wait_time' \
-d 'graphDataTypes[]=average_talk_time' \
-d 'queues[]=26355' \
Response example
    "count": "3",
    "limit": 20,
    "limit_from": 0,
    "calls": [
            "id": "343601609",
            "datetime": "2024-04-09 16:32:03",
            "datetimeconnect": "2024-04-09 16:32:03",
            "datetimeend": "2024-04-09 16:32:15",
            "event": "ABANDON",
            "agent": "NONE",
            "clid": "9863",
            "pbx_name": "Molle test",
            "uniqueid": "s1-1712673123.342",
            "wait_time": "12",
            "talk_time": "0",
            "ast_queue_id": "27028",
            "queue_extension": "1338",
            "call_guid": null,
            "callerid": null,
            "did": null
            "id": "359787086",
            "datetime": "2024-05-28 09:22:34",
            "datetimeconnect": "2024-05-28 09:22:34",
            "datetimeend": "2024-05-28 09:22:37",
            "event": "ABANDON",
            "agent": "NONE",
            "clid": "9861",
            "pbx_name": "Molle test",
            "uniqueid": "s1-1716880954.44",
            "wait_time": "3",
            "talk_time": "0",
            "ast_queue_id": "27028",
            "queue_extension": "1338",
            "call_guid": null,
            "callerid": null,
            "did": null
            "id": "359787050",
            "datetime": "2024-05-28 09:22:35",
            "datetimeconnect": "2024-05-28 09:22:35",
            "datetimeend": "2024-05-28 09:22:38",
            "event": "ABANDON",
            "agent": "NONE",
            "clid": "9861",
            "pbx_name": "Molle test",
            "uniqueid": "s1-1716880955.53",
            "wait_time": "3",
            "talk_time": "0",
            "ast_queue_id": "27028",
            "queue_extension": "1338",
            "call_guid": null,
            "callerid": null,
            "did": null

Query parameters
Name Type Required Description
from string false datetime in format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' (2024-12-27 08:00:00)
to string false datetime in format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' (2024-12-27 16:59:00)
from_time string false time in format: 'HH:mm:ss' (08:00:00)
to_time string false time in format : 'HH:mm:ss' (16:59:00)
users integer false an array of userid's to get data for.
queues integer false an array of queueid's to get data for.
weekdays integer false an array of weekday indexes starting with monday as zero.
includeNone false
includeExternal false true indicates that we should include calls that was handled by external phone numbers.
Requires permissions
Title Access
Queue Statistics Read

Path parameters
Name Type Required Description
qsCallUniqueId string true unique call id
Requires permissions
Title Access
Queue Statistics Read